Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Just like white dots on velvet skies
burn brightest when the crescent dies,
so with unsung sacrifice
passion provokes the chest to rise,
and fill the soul with silent air;
relieve this yoke of dust we bear;
replace the talons of the snare
with that which wings and hours share.

Accept this gift from blinded hands,
shrug off your skin of wounded sand.
When cries of birth come from the land
will we remember how to stand,
and see the hope in ocean spray
and guard the gates of words we say,
embrace our hearts when we're away,
burn off the poison of the fray?

Fear not the spoils of this fight,
the wound's reward lasts through the night
and hides the lies of sound and sight
to make them allies in the rite,
for eloquence can't be assumed
to quiet questions of the tomb,
yet if you let this power bloom
you'll find the lock to nature's doom.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Ghost of Love

I wanted to write something... but couldn't really think of any words worth putting down, so here are some lyrics I wrote... or a poem if you'd rather. It's all just words in the end.

A stranger's bed in a stranger's house,
a stranger's tongue in a stranger's mouth.
Is the Devil or God the one to blame?
I'm gasping for air, but I forgot your name,
and our bodies make friends with the dark;
how much pride would it cost, to keep us apart?

Oh, I can be your ghost of love,
if you promise that you'll hold me up
as we drag each other down
and try to forget the sound
of the voice that is crying for something more;
a spark to ignite this fire we forced
'cuz its the curtain call,
and you can't stand tall on the floor.

Are you dead inside? Or just living your life?
Seizing every moment 'fore it passes you by,
Is the fire, or the fear your drive?
Do you know who you are, or is this just a disguise?
And why as I wait for your unsaid replies
am I transfixed by my reflection that I see in your eyes?

Oh, tonight I am the ghost of love,
and maybe for a moment I can hold you up
as we drag each other down

Well I don't know if I'm a man or a mouse
but my best laid plans brought me to a stranger's bed
in a stranger's house.
Well I don't know if I am cursed or saved
but no matter what I wish its not the devil or god
but me to blame.

Oh, I am the ghost of love
but only something solid can hold you up,
And I am the ghost of love.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thought #3

What if everybody was honest with each other without fear of losing face? What if we shared our struggles and our flaws, as well as our successes and our gifts? What if at the end of our lives, we look back and see we were so focused on getting our reward that we failed to recognize that by the grace of the Divine it was waiting for us the whole time, we had but to let down our guard and seize it? What if we could already experience eternity everyday in every bond we make and every act of selfless service we perform for the World? Does it matter? Because the only thing that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt about this life is that at every moment, in everything we do, we are able to make a choice about how we want to live. And what if we all chose Love?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thought #2

I have trouble believing that all man-kind is truly bound to fate, since we all have within us the power to change our state. But so often we get settled in a systematic way and let the comfort of routine be the one to plan our day. It seems foolish that we would waste even a second we are given, when at any moment we are free to alter how we're living. I mean, come on.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thought #1

Everything that we build will one day fall away, so we should try to love as many people as we can, since that is the only way to truly give our lives any significance.