For some reason I haven't felt like taking the time to update this blog, I think partly because I've been trying to do as much as I can in my last few days here, but also because I feel like whatever I write here falls so short of what I've actually been experiencing that I just couldn't find the motivation to write it down. Suffice it to say, I've found a certain peace while living here, and I am not the same person that arrived two months ago. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me, taking the time to read what I put here, praying for me, and wishing me well here in Mexico. I love you all, and I'm excited to share my experiences with you in person, and learn whats been happening in your lives these past 2 months. The world I hope for is often at odds with the world I see, but the relationships I've been lucky enough to form with the people in my life are consistently an exception. Again, thank you.
As a reward for all (5) of you who were interested enough to read my silly blog posts, here is a picture of some cows I met. I know, its too much, but what can I say, I'm grateful.