Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Guatemala #1

So I am in Guatemala! One difference I didn´t expect is that the keyboard for the computer is slightly different, but I´m still able to use it... obviously.

Arriving and getting to Xela ended up being much easier then I thought it would be. I was practically rushed through immigration and customs, and the cab driver had no problem understanding that I needed to get to the bus station. I met a fellow American at the station... saved him from spending $100 US on a taxi, and caught the next bus to Xela.

So far the spanish school has been amazing. My teacher´s name is Anabella and she is very patient with my poor spanish. I think she actually finds it funny. My host parents are awesome as well. They treat Jeena (my friend from Calvin) and I like a part of their family.

After school monday I went and did yoga with Jeena and Daniel, an Australian (there are currently 3 students out of 7 at our school named Daniel). Apparently I´m not flexible at all, but it was still really fun and I think we are going back today.

Yesterday the three of us and Sasha, an art student from Boston, climbed the mountain that looks over the city. It was an awesome view, and there was also a cement slide at the top that we went down on crushed plastic bottles. Some local kids showed us how to sit on them in order to go faster. Then we jogged back down the trail. I´m actually getting more exercise this trip then I have in a long time!

So much more to talk about, but thats it for this post. Hasta Luego!

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