Me and two of the guys decided it would be worth it to get up early to watch the sunrise from the roof of the church, and it was incredible. I think that was the first actual sunrise I've seen in way too long, and I had forgotten how beautiful it was. To make it better, it was the night of a full moon (one of the brightest I've ever seen) and it was still hanging in the sky when the sun came up. It was like watching a painting come to life as color slowly spilled across the landscape, onto the rooftop, and up the neighboring mountain. I can't really describe it, but here's some pictures of what I saw (which don't do it justice):
That mountain in the bottom picture is Malinche, all 4445 meters of it (which puts it just a little bit taller then Mt. Whitney, the highest point in the 48 states). After breakfast, the 5 of us piled in a cab, rode 30 minutes to the trail head (~2000 meters) and proceeded to climb it. It was amazing getting out into nature again, and even better to have a physical challenge ahead of me. Long story short, we made it to the top in 4 hours exactly and it was an uphill climb the entire way. After we passed the tree line the dirt became loose, the air became thin, and every step became a struggle, but it was definitely worth it. From the top is a gorgeous 360 degree view complete with 3 volcanoes on the horizon. It was there that I also enjoyed the best mango of my entire life. Pictures of course were taken:
The hike down was also pretty fun, as I couldn't pass up a chance to do some shale sliding. I ran/slide/skated down the slippery section and it was actually kind of similar to skiing, but with more dust and danger. Much easier then climbing up as well, and I made it back to the treeline in about 20 minutes. Needless to say, I thought I was pretty cool. Now its the work week, which has its bonuses as one of my patients brought me tamales and coffee today! Best feedback I've gotten so far :). I had to reschedule some other patients so I don't have tomorrow off like I did last week, but I might still go visit the center of the city in the afternoon (it would be weird if I went my whole stay without seeing it at least once). Okay, I'm hungry, I think I'll end this post here (and apparently I have a love affair with parentheses today).
I love how you can't describe things and then proceed to do so, beautifully I might add (pictures are gorgeous too). Also, all the cool kids have love affairs with parantheses :)
ReplyDeleteWe saw that wonderful full moon with the sunrise in Michigan! It was amazing. Great pics.
ReplyDeleteBTW, it's "Two of the guys and I" : )