Friday, March 12, 2010


A speck of dust is fleeting,
It comes in focus, then is gone
Out of sight before it has a chance
To settle softly in my mind.
But human life is shorter,
When the stars are held in view
Shedding light in seas of blackness
Never mindful of me or you.
So who am I that you would hold me
Like a speck safe in your hand,
Or set me down, crowned with glory
To shed your light among man?
And does dust ever question
When I take pause to watch its flight,
If it’s worth is an illusion
Born of a hopeless, forgotten life?
Yet as I stare, with eyes of wonder,
Like a child with all fear stilled,
At the stars, the dust of heaven
Majesty, my life is filled.


  1. So, I was looking forward to leaving a "what now" comment, but dang if this isn't too good for that. Very nice my friend, very nice.

  2. You continue to amaze me!
