Monday, September 27, 2010

Mexico #4

Scotch, Story of the Year, and the internet... I honestly couldn't be happier.

I got a little lonely today, so I went on and messaged a couple people I found that spoke English to see if they wanted to meet up for a drink or something. Its exhausting always having to talk to everyone in Spanish, so I don't fault myself for looking for a few English speaking friends, just to mix it up a little.

I got another lesson in salsa dancing this weekend. I went to a costume party, where the theme was "mexico". At first I thought this was kinda odd, but it would be like having a party in the US where people dress up like Abe Lincoln... or Britney Spears. Never thought there would be a reason to group those two together, but there you go. It was funny to see Mexican people dress up like, well, stereotypical Mexican people. One guy had this HUGE fake mustache complete with cowboy hat and full getup. They decked me out out in the mustache and wig at one point so I would fit in a little more. But originally I went dressed up as a generic Mexican soccer player. I was going to go with a name/number, but the custom jersey was more expensive. I actually really like the jersey I bought, so double bonus.

Also Mexicans know how to party. It wasn't outta control crazy or anything, but they just don't stop. We got there around 10, and we were pretty much drinking and dancing until we left at 4 am... and we were the first ones to leave... and everybody thought it was weird we were leaving so early! And they had this huge sound system set up in a tiny little house and literally everybody was an awesome dancer... I've never felt so white haha. There was even this one guy who had to be at least 240 pounds and he was absolutely tearing it up. Then they put on some English songs for my sake (I taught them how to moon-walk to Billy Jean (yes apparently I know how to moonwalk)). I also learned how to do the Mexican aiaiaiiaaiia shout that they do (the "grito"). It took me about 20 times before I got it right, apparently the trick is "con aire y sentimiento": with air and feeling. They kept repeating this over and over like it would help me understand, but when I finally got it "right" all I did differently was do it for a really really long time. All the other times I would start laughing halfway through, and they told me I messed up. Not only was it fun to learn, but it also changed my opinion on the shout, which naturally I have heard many times in LA. For a long time, I thought it was annoying, but its not at all, its liberating! Nothing is as cathartic as screaming at the top of your lungs, and how awesome to live in a culture where thats encouraged! We could all do with a little grito in our lives.

And in the time it took to write this, I already got a response from a fellow couch surfer. If you ever want to meet really awesome people in a new area, check out that site. Actually, even if you just have a spare couch I would really recommend getting involved. Its a super easy way to spread hospitality and expand your horizons without ever leaving your home. Basically you can sign up and indicate that you are willing to host travelers in your city for however many nights you want. Good for the soul.

On a parting note, don't eat mac'n'cheese out of the yellow box. Its not the same.

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh! I am also getting very jealous of all the cool things you are doing!! So glad you are having fun and I can't wait to see all of these new dance moves! ha!

